
Power Monitoring System

The power monitoring system allows the variables such as energy, consumption and environmental conditions of businesses to be monitored, analyzed and managed from a single center. It aims to provide information to the consumers about their energy consumption habits and to collect data on the energy used.

Although the use of energy is becoming more costly with each passing day, has a great impact on the budget, many businesses do not benefit from the power monitoring system.

Retmon PMS solution offers a power monitoring system that enables the energy used in your business to be provided continuously, with high quality, clean at lower costs and to plan its use in an environmentally friendly manner. By controlling the energy system from end to end, it provides options to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.

Why is a Power Monitoring System Required?

A properly installed and structured power monitoring system is a valuable asset for almost any type of energy consumer. Regardless of the scale of the companys, there are many parameters that need to be evaluated when it comes to energy use. These are largely due to the variety of load types and requirements, energy consumption schedules and the plant's tolerance level for a sub-ideal energy source.

In general, there are four basic categories of energy consumers: industrial, commercial, government and residential. Although each has a different purpose for energy consumption and different expectations from the energy provider, there are many common features.

Energy use/cost and system reliability are top issues for most energy consumers. Industrial and commercial consumers need more of a power monitoring system, because using more complex energy systems.

The power monitoring system is also very useful for consumers with low tolerance to power outages, such as the food or pharmaceutical industry. In these cases, the consumer's need for a reliable power supply may outweigh energy cost considerations due to the costs associated with equipment downtime (e.g. product, equipment loss, etc.).

The power monitoring system works 24/7. Continuous recording of energy-related data provides information about the operating characteristics of an energy system. The power monitoring system includes where more energy is consumed, when and how it is consumed, or which loads are consuming more energy. This data helps you reduce the energy delivered to your energy system and consumed.

The quality of the energy used significantly affects the operation of the business. Business managers should evaluate the benefits of using a power monitoring system, as it can lead to loss of product, revenue and reputation or equipment breakdown.

What are the Benefits of the Power Monitoring System?

The cost of energy is quite high, so energy saving is very important for businesses. Correct use of energy is possible by obtaining accurate analyzes by monitoring energy. The main benefits of the power monitoring system for businesses:

Environmental Awareness

The power monitoring system enables you to better know how energy is used in a facility, identify a range of possibilities to increase efficiency, minimize waste and reduce energy consumption and use natural resources more effectively.

Correct Insights

Evaluating data from the power monitoring system can reveal existing or potential problems that could negatively affect the operation and production activities within a facility. Data from obtained the power monitoring system helps to find and fix problems that are both instantaneous and continuous, thereby increasing productivity. It provides data on the areas in which energy savings can be made by determining energy consumption habits.

With the wide protocol support of the Retmon PMS solution, you can instantly collect data from your devices such as energy analyzer, reactive power relay, electricity meter. With the trend graph module of Retmon PMS, you can create charts and tables to analyze the recorded data.


When equipment energy parameters are exceeded the power monitoring system can inform the relevant persons such as maintenance and technician or anticipate the interruptions that may occur in the energy system. Thus, it allows you to plan ahead instead of encountering an unplanned shutdown.


The power monitoring system prevents workers from being exposed to potentially hazardous environments by predicting situations such as energy leakage of equipment in hazardous areas. Some environmental monitoring devices also allow various additional parameters (temperature, pressure, flow rate, vibration, status indicators, etc.) to be measured.

Cost Savings

Thanks to the energy-saving opportunities offered by the power monitoring system, the reduction of the budget allocated for energy allows businesses to divert their resources to other areas. Thanks to the extensive data it provides, it enables a very detailed power monitoring process to be carried out and the energy budget planning for the next periods to be realistic.

All the benefits of the power monitoring system directly or indirectly affect the budget of an enterprise. Even just one of the benefits it provides should be considered a valid reason to use a power monitoring system.

How Does the Power Monitoring System Work?

The power monitoring system includes monitoring and reporting of many parameters related to energy such as consumption, frequency, voltage and current. It provides users with data on how much energy is used and how it is used at any time of the day.

The data are collected by using meters or sub-meters located on-site or in the building for each type of energy consumed (electricity, heat, water, gas) in order to provide a detailed analysis of energy consumption and reported in the power monitoring system.

What are the Equipment Used in the Power Monitoring System?

The energy consumed by the machines can be regularly monitored and managed with the smart power monitoring system. Smart sensors, data collection terminals and other IoT devices monitor the energy used by each piece of equipment. A true power monitoring system includes two or more separate measuring points. Three main components of a power monitoring system:

1. Measuring devices (smart sensors and data collection terminals) for recording data,

2. Software for collecting, managing and viewing data,

3. A communication interface between software and measuring instruments.

Retmon PMS Solution

Retmon PMS Power Monitoring System provides complete visibility into energy consumption or production in your business. It helps you gain detailed insight into your energy consumption not only at the manufacturing unit or building level but also at the room, line, machine and even individual product level.

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